About Media Screen

Media Screen provides services for creation, management and delivery of audio and video customized programs. The service is delivered via internet streaming or via background scheduled update and constant program rotation to client’s retail stores.


-The service can utilize the client’s existing internet connection, when delivered via internet streaming.
-Alternatively, the service can be delivered in offline mode 24/7, via the usage of special receiving devices (mini SOC device)where the content for delivery to the customer is buffered in advance (e.g. for 1 week ahead). The goal is to avoid possible interfere with client’s internet connection during the day with content and program updates implemented during convenient non working hours. Full HD video program is delivered to any present TVs in the stores and/or displays (e.g. rotation of current video commercials of the client or its partners and advertisers), in order to enrich the marketing effect of the audio program.
-Important updates are implemented immediately in manual mode, e.g. starting or stopping of a new audio spot or advertising video clip. -Unlimited numbers of different video and audio channels for the specialized needs of clients with network of retail shops. Different channels with different content can be delivered to a specific store or a specific group of stores (there is no limit of the number of channels or number of stores in a group receiving the given channel). Different channels can be used for targeted delivery of different program and/or advertising and marketing messages by time, region, sub-brands or other principle to achieve specific marketing objectives.
-Service provides high quality of delivered content in terms of audio and video bitrate and resolution, and reliability of the in-store background video and audio for your business.

We take pride in providing great music programs. The music is sorted and the content of our radio specific programs is handpicked by our team of background music experts. Each of our audio channels contains thousands of appropriate tracks. Updates are carried out every week by our music experts.

Public performance rights settlement.

Media Screen creates and delivers unique and business appropriate musical channel services. Our company offers settlement of the due rights for the official public performance with the organizations for the territory of Bulgaria:
-Coverage of Author Copyrights for public performance of music compositions, for the stated period (responsible authority for the territory of Bulgaria – Musicauthor).
-Coverage of Producer’s Copyrights and Neighboring Rights for the public performance of music compositions, for the stated period (responsible authority for the territory of Bulgaria -Prophon).

The licenses are surface area-based, so you pay only according to your needs. Once our client, you will get your certificate for set music copyrights for public performance in your retail shops immediately.